Streamlining your Medicare Finances Through Automatic Payment programs

Many Beneficiaries wonder, what the best way is to pay for Medicare. In this blog, we’ll break down the essential details in simple terms, so you can effortlessly manage your healthcare expenses, and avoid a potential loss in coverage. For the majority, Medicare Part A doesn’t require a monthly premium. Nevertheless, if you’re subscribed to Medicare Part B and you’re already receiving benefits from Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board, your Medicare Part B premium

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Helping Beneficiaries Navigate Their Medicare Coverage and Prevention

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to spreading knowledge about the most common type of cancer found in women. As Medicare beneficiaries, it’s crucial for us to stay informed and be proactive when it comes to our health. Here’s what you need to know about breast cancer awareness and the preventive screenings covered by Medicare. Breast Cancer and Age Women over 60 make up nearly half of new breast cancer cases, and

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3 Common Mistakes to Avoid During the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)!

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is a crucial time of year for Medicare recipients to reevaluate their coverage and make necessary changes. This period, which runs from October 15 to December 7 annually, offers the opportunity to find more affordable coverage, reduce prescription drug costs, or even get more coverage for a similar price. To help you make the most of the AEP, we’ve identified three common mistakes to avoid. Ignoring Your Medicare Annual

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Navigating Alzheimer’s with Medicare

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, so we feel it’s vital to equip ourselves, our clients, and community with knowledge about this condition and how Medicare can lend a helping hand. Whether you’re directly impacted or simply curious, we’re here to provide you with clear, concise information to navigate this journey together. Understanding Alzheimer’s:  Alzheimer’s is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory and thinking. It’s common among seniors and can be challenging. But fear not

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) revealed on Thursday, August 31st 2023, that the initial group of ten Medicare Part D medications slated for negotiation under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has been identified.

These drugs have been designated based on the outlined criteria within the IRA. This legislation mandates that CMS prioritize drugs with the highest Medicare expenditure and minimal competition, among other considerations. The resulting roster encompasses medications that are crucial for numerous Medicare recipients in treating various conditions such as cancer, diabetes, blood clotting, heart failure, autoimmune disorders, and chronic kidney disease. Negotiations regarding pricing will commence this year between CMS and the participating pharmaceutical manufacturers.

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