National Vision Month: Prioritize Vision and Hearing Health

May is National Vision Health Month, a time to emphasize the significance of maintaining healthy eyesight. Our sense of sight is vital for navigating our daily lives, yet we frequently take it for granted. This month serves as a reminder to take care of our vision and spread awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment of vision problems. One of the goals of National Vision Health Month is to promote regular eye exams.

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5 Tips to Protect Yourself from Medicare Fraud: Stay Safe and Informed

As a senior citizen, you rely on Medicare to provide you with the medical care you need to stay healthy.  Unfortunately, scammers and fraudsters also know how valuable your Medicare benefits are, and they will go to great lengths to try to trick you into giving up your personal information or signing up for services you do not need. Here are some tips to help you avoid Medicare fraud:       1.            Protect your Medicare card:

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Travel and your Medicare Coverage- Know Before You Go!

When choosing health care coverage, it’s important to consider your vacation plans. If you’re someone who frequently travels, spends time away from home, or splits your time between different locations, it’s essential to factor these key points into your decision when choosing a Medicare plan or reviewing your existing coverage.  Key points to keep in mind: Medicare plans may not work the same way everywhere you go. Some plans only provide coverage within the state

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Medicaid Redetermination

Beginning April 1, 2023, states will be able to terminate Medicaid enrollment for people no longer eligible. Medicaid Beneficiaries, you may be at risk of losing your Medicaid coverage due to the end of a COVID-19 pandemic continuous enrollment rule. It is crucial that you understand the need for Medicaid redetermination and respond in a timely manner. If you enrolled in Medicaid during the pandemic, you may not have been exposed to the annual Medicaid

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Medicare Prescription Drug Inflation Rebate Program

We have some exciting news to share with you! The Biden-Harris Administration recently launched the Medicare Prescription Drug Inflation Rebate Program, which will protect you and taxpayers against drug price hikes that exceed the inflation rate. Starting from April 1, 2023, you will have access to 27 Part B prescription drugs that will be available at lower coinsurance rates.  Depending on your individual coverage, you may save between $2 and $390 per average dose. This

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